
Hypermiling Gas Saving Tip: Aggressive Driving vs. Moderate Driving

The way you drive significantly affects your fuel consumption. Tests after tests have been conducted and there are huge amounts of gas leaving your vehicle’s gas tank due to your driving habits.

It is very simple to keep more money in your wallet. Just employ the following tips:

Do not mash the gas when you start your vehicle. Take the long view of the road and brake easy. This tip alone will save you unbelievable amounts of gasoline. If you slowed your 0-to-60-mph acceleration time down from your current 10 seconds to a normal city pace of 15 seconds, you will immediately see the savings.

How can this be proved?

4 recent tests were conducted by an independent agency.

The first test involved a full 55-miles loop that was driven by accelerating aggressively 15 times at 3/4-throttle from zero to a cruising speed of 75 mph. The brakes were applied hard to come to a full stop.

The second test involved the same 55-miles loop that was driven by accelerating moderately 15 times at 1/4-throttle to a cruising speed of 70 mph. The brakes were applied lightly to a full stop.

The third test was conducted using a 25-miles loop making 25 rapid accelerations to 65 mph at 3/4-throttle. After 1 minute of cruising, the brakes were applied hard and the cycle was repeated up to 65 mph.

The fourth test involved the same distance making 25 moderation accelerations to 60 mph at 1/4-throttle. After 1 minute of cruising, the brakes were applied easily until the vehicle came to a full stop.

The final results were amazing. The tests that involved the moderate driving and easy braking used over 30% less gas.

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Free Gas Saving Tips For Your Car Or Truck

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Thousands of drivers believe that nothing says "free ride" like drafting close behind a big, fat truck on the highway. They creep up behind it and conceal themselves so close to the rear bumper that the trucker cannot see the vehicle in his mirrors.

Are these drivers thinking? One sudden brake from the truck and the automobile becomes a permanent mud flap.

This type of “truck tailgating” is very dangerous, stressful and can be consider reckless driving by your local friendly cop. So please refrain from this insane stunt.

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